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An interpretation of the measurement problem in quantum physics

n quantum physics, there is this postul The measurement postulate goes as: "A measurement of an observable causes a drastic, uncontrollable alteration in the state vector of the system; specifically, regardless of the form of the state vector just before the measurement, immediately after the measurement, it will coincide with the eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue obtained in the measurement. " In the quantum world, objects move at very high speeds. And for objects moving fast, their time slows down. So they, (say electrons) are behind us in time. When we are measuring them, they in their reality still think we are not measuring them. In our reality we are measuring them . That means we are measuring the future state of the electrons. When the observer is measuring, he is interacting with the future of the system. In this reality, the things are all probabilistic because the future, any future, doesn't exist till the pre...

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